Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Local writer Elise Seyfried comes to UDLC March 1st.

In life a little rain must fall and sometimes your umbrella just ain't big enough.  Yet look back on it when enough time has passed and some life lessons may become clearer.

No, this is not a quote from "Underway: Reflections on Everyday Grace" by local writer Elise Seyfried; it is actually just sort of what happens in life.  We all deal with things every day and in Elise's new book "Underway: Reflections on Everyday Grace" Elise takes readers through parts of her life and finding the BIG "G" in all of it.

Elise began her published life with "Unhaling: On God, Grace and a Perfectly Imperfect Life" a collection of her Essay's that came out in 2010 and allowed her to take what would to some look like the insanely busy life of a Christian Education Director/Youth Leader/Mom/Wife/Actress and in all of that a faithful Child of God.

In all of her writing, Elise focuses on the ONE true support and guidance that she looks to for support and guidance.  Her writing is that of a friend telling you stories from her life and the lives of her family and while she does not try and not embarrass her kids, she does admit that this is real life and is telling these stories to help give others insight.

Elise will be coming to UDLC on March 1, 2012 to do a reading and meet with members of the community.  She has been called “a local Gem” and those who meet her will understand the compliment, but Elise will be the last one to call herself a GEM.

Elise has been writing freelance locally for years and presently serves as Director of Spiritual Formation at Christ Lutheran Church in Oreland, Pennsylvania.  She is married to Steve and is mother to 5 great children. 
Check out both of her books here at and her own blog here.

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